Thursday 31 December 2020

1st Hitched Year : 2020

 I was looking for a caption, for my only blog of this year, something that explains the happiness and suffering of 2020 at the same time.

Sunday 13 October 2019

Last love.

First love is overrated, all it gives you is goosebumps, blood rush, restlessness and so many other confused feelings. If anything, good comes out of it, is that you learn few tricks for later, few real-life lessons and you get one tiny step closer to understanding human relationships.

I am in my thirties now, and when I look back at my last ten years, since left home, half of it seems pointless, making me a different person. Now if that is for the good or the worst, not sure!
I will be able to answer that only in the end.

Also, another life event since I last wrote is, I got engaged,
Though our ship is still facing some turbulence, I am very positive we will get through it. That is the thing, when you finally meet that one person who you feel for and you can spend your life with, you are not restless any more.

I myself have asked it so many times to others about to get married and many ask me these days, that how do you know you are ready, or this is the one?

Well honestly, I don't, but I know for sure that I have never, and never will I connect with anyone like I connect with her. Sure, it is not always like in seventh haven, and in many ways, we are like apples and oranges, but mostly we are in tune and we look and sound perfect together.

I trust her the most, among anyone I have met ever before, and I am at peace when she is around. I am always excited to talk to her, because of which I mostly ruin the surprises, which I initially wanted them to be and she is adorable most of the time :P

All though we both have to grow up a lot more, she makes me an honest man and I would like to believe, I have and will always tried to keep her life before mine, in all my thoughts and as per what my experiences have taught me.

having crossed half of my life assuming they give me thirty more to go,
I could not be any more confident and weather we tie the knot or not,
she is and will always be my last love.

Sunday 31 December 2017

The family that travels together stays together.

The life in me, is because of us.
It's been 10 years I left home, to do my engineering in 2008, since then things have changed.

I left home, to follow a dream, education and a job, money and success, like every other kid, but always had a flake of hope that, at the end of the quest we will be together again and no matter what I do or how I do, all roads lead back home and now, that dream seems fading away, as I can’t be with the only people who matter the most for me because I need to earn for them, and home town does not support my skill set. 

My parent doesn’t want to leave the town and move with me, because this place is freaking urban and they don't have their social comfort and I understand that too.

Me 30, a semi successful career, decent salary, do enjoy whatever hobbies I have,
parents have started to get worried about me and my sister to get married now and have my own family. But, do I get married, just to repeat the same cycle all over again.

I understand the fact that we all need a partner for life,
I do feel the need too, at times,
and at others it’s because I am horny.
The thing that bothers me most is, what do I get out of the whole thing,

Finding love or a correct partner for life, feels like the most troubling thing I had to go in these three decades, and I am sure it is for everyone, but this stage is not what I was looking for, the boy that left home still wants to go back.

Things have changed, I have grownup, and so have them. I have a strong feeling, that we don't know each other anymore, we didn't grow old, only at two different places on the map & clock, but also on emotions, apologies I lack a measurement unit or a device for emotions.

At the end of the year 2017, my family was with me, and apparently when I say home, it’s not about the geographical location, it is about being with my old man and lady, and obviously the little sister.
I was happy, and not in persecute of it, the stage.

It has been a journey, and I still hope for the destination I left for.
Regards, J

Sunday 27 November 2016


Hellos, Kids of  90's

We genuinely are the luckiest ones, we saw the mobile revolution, FRIENDS, Windows 95 to Windows 10 journey, best of cartoon network, APJ as president of India and Barack Obama in the states, lot more and demonetization these days in my country,

The famous Dosas.
Well, this is not about any of those, this one is about one of our recent experience, but lets get this straight, I am not a food critic, neither a travel writer, it is about just a fine Friday, we thought to explore a near by, talked about place called, "Khau galli - Ghatkopar" .

After just few hundred steps or lets say 15 minutes, from Ghatkopar metro station (Get down to the east side of the station), you will find this oddly crowded, festive lane, yup.. just a lane.
Let me break it down for you 
(Khau or khaana - Eat or Food & Gali - Lane), so it basically is a lane were you eat, just in case you are new to Mumbai or you have people who are new to Mumbai, be aware of the Red bus, you don't wanna trust the traffic or the breaks of that bus.

Very vegetarian, and very festive, the moment we entered we could see the smoke of fresh butter on the hot tawa, and you could really feel the fragrance of cardamom, cloves, black pepper..
fresh cut green vegetables,, and the waiting crowed, eating crowed and those expressions of feeling the perfect bled of spices in your mouth. 
We started with Pao Bhajis..
Bread dipped in butter, with thick gravy and lots of cheese, well you could also enjoy sips of fresh lime soda over the starters, trust me you will love it if you are a Pao Bhagi Fan.

I must say walking down Khau Gali is more fun, that the food actually, it is almost like a food festival.

Go with your friends, or family..
with recent acquaintances or colleagues..
or may be special ones..
Share a bite or may be go for a Golgappa race.

Though we were full to neck, we tried Golgappa, well and it was nice, it had to be
Every Indian loves it, I sometimes feel it should be our national snack :D
We shared it, and we loved it, fried puff-pastry balls filled with spiced Boondi (a Rajasthani snack made up of sweetended chickpea flour ) , spiced cold water, and a bit of tamarind juce.
more than the Golgappas, i loved the expressions of the ones with me.

We had already ordered for the jini, and by the time we returned from out tiny golgappa expedition it was yet not done, so be a little patient these guys at the dosa stall can make around 150 kids of Dosas, isn't that amassing, and all that at not a very expensive rate. When jini arrived, few of us said no, but few still were up for it.
Dosas are almost the main-course in the south India, and it has gained its face all over, with time.
jini was no difference, looked delicious, smelled beautiful and served in an entirely unique way.

We enjoyed it,
Well let me say i did, and i loved living this small experiences and the teeny-tiny moments of walking that road, with people i might not ever see again.

Take it from me,
not only, you should say what you feel like and not regret that you didn't
but, you can also eat that extra calorie sometimes, and not worry about your weight, mother earth can handle few pounds more...
ha ha

In the end, they did let one of us try our hand too,
Now i am not sure if they will let you do that, But i am sure, you will love the little experience

So stay safe and take care ill see you soon

Tuesday 12 April 2016


Almost a moth to go for my birthday, turning a year older.

I am an advisory consultant now, in one of the big four auditing firms all around the globe, i am supposed to be an expert, at understanding business needs, and software solutions to make it as robust and alive as possible, well at least make it pretend that it is alive.

Our lives are equally complicated and it has its own phases, like a software development life cycle.